Thursday, November 3, 2011

Life's Too Short Not to Have a Little Fun :)

Well I thought it was about time to update this blog. So let’s start backwards.
Adam went potato gleaning a couple weeks ago with the youth in our ward and I blanched them last night so we could freeze them as french-fries and hash browns. The reason this is on the blog is because it’s quite the long process and therefore deserves to be told as an event. It was… not fun, but I’m sure the hash browns will be worth it.

Now on to more exciting things.

Halloween was great! Adam decided William was old enough for trick-or-treating (who says 3 mo is too young lol). So we got dressed up as Noah and two lions and went to some friends’ houses in our ward.

We , I mean William ;) got a lot of good candy, especially since we were some people’s only trick-or-treaters, so they dumped handfuls into our bucket (which was tied to the front of William’s stroller). William’s favorite treats were the smiling faces he received at each door we went to. He smiled right back to earn his candy, and when we got home we, I mean he, started eating it right away of course…

Then last Saturday we went to an Elder’s Quorum family activity to a straw maze! We had a chili dinner at the church and then we drove out to the straw maze. I fed William and we headed in, but not without some pictures on a tractor!

The maze was really good. We got good and lost and William probably thought this was the weirdest, longest walk we had ever been on (besides trick-or-treating). Soon he fell asleep as it started to get darker and we knew that when it got dark the maze became haunted… We didn’t want to get stuck in that, so we almost gave in to following a group that was being led out. . . then we decided we still wanted to try one more time. It wasn’t easy, but we finally made it out!

Next is the cool news that William has started reaching out and trying to grab things! That’s probably not too exciting for anyone else, but I love each new thing he does! (Spoken like a true mother). It makes me so happy to see him learning and growing in the right developmental stages. So that has been fun.

Lastly, a couple weeks ago a made some baby shower gifts for two people I know having girls. I had been Pinteresting (my new favorite thing to do while I nurse) and I saw a lot of flower roses and decided I should try to make some jersey rosettes for some headwear I could give. They actually turned out good and I put one on a hat I had and another on a headband I made. I tried them on William to see how they looked.
Turns out they look good, but the better news is that William still looks like a boy even in girly hats on! His father still wouldn’t like that I’m putting girl stuff on him though (especially taking pictures and posting them for everyone to see lol), but who cares! Life’s too short not to have a little fun!


  1. Oh my goodness! Your costumes are AWESOME! I love your hair Kylie... too cute. And you even got full sized candy bars! Lucky... And boy does Mr. William look like a boy... your hats are cute... but they for sure do NOT make him look any bit girly. We miss you family! Loved reading your update :)

  2. I love this post! You guys are so creative and Ky, you are such a good blog writer. I bet William ate all that candy for sure ;) haha. Looks like you guys had a wonderful Halloween! :)
