Monday, September 12, 2011

And the Fun Begins...

Two Things. First:
We just completed a full week of full-time cloth diapering (we were using up all the newborn diapers that had been given to us--it was nice just being able to get used to a baby first, thank you!) and I can say that it is quite an experience. We decided to go with cloth diapers because of all the money we found out we'd be saving. You can use them for up to four kids! I researched a bunch of different brands and decided to go with FuzzyBunz. Here's a blurb from their site:That’s a total savings of $2,685.63 over the course
of three years!
Remember, the savings really adds up for second and
third babies—as the cost is null!

They have a unique diaper that you can change the size as the child grows so one diaper fits from birth to potty training (6lbs-32lbs). It has leg casings you can adjust with elastics and snap options on the front for sizing that way too.
Anyway, I love them! Of course I'll admit that disposables are much more convenient, but these diapers only take a second longer to put on and really the only difference is washing them. Which isn't as bad as most people think either. All I have to do is take out the insert and throw the whole thing in the wash once I get down to 4-ish diapers (we have 30) and then I do a rinse cycle, wash cycle, rinse cycle and then hang them to dry (we don't have a dryer)--and they only take a couple hours to dry completely. So it isn't too bad :) I guess the weirdest thing to get used to is the puffier bottom look ;) But after a week you really get used to them. I had to use a disposable yesterday again because I waited too long to do a wash and it felt so weird to go back to it! If anyone is curious here's a link to their site. they have some videos and everything:
Last night William slept 6 hours in a row! It was great, except that when he woke up at 4:30 am he guzzled down milk faster than I had ever seen before! Which led to a massive spitting up session... A wardrobe change for william, a shower for me, three spit up rags, two wash cloths, three towels later... it was 5:40 am and I got to see the dump truck come pick up our overflowing dumpsters and make a mess that Adam and I would get to clean up later today... Yep... It was quite the fun early morning event. I hope it will not be repeated.


  1. William is so precious! I love your family pic at the top! Yay for 6 hours at night! Good luck with the cloth diapering.

  2. Kylie!
    You have a baby! (Which I"m sure you're well aware of, but it's a surprise to me lol) Holy cow time has gone by way too fast. He is absolutely adorable - congratulations hon! How is everything going? You guys still in rexburg?

  3. I am quite aware :) lol I was just thinking of you and wondering how you were doing! We are still in Rexburg until next April. Then Adam graduates and we're... somewhere lol. Are you still in Las Vegas? Do you have a blog?
