Since William was showing signs of fear of big pools, I took it upon myself to get him to like them again and we went twice to the fitness center while Adam was gone, and voila! William loves the pool now! This was after we were done.
Chloe was a champ and slept while we swam :)
And we've been enjoying our yard! Grass glorious GRASS!!! William always wants to go outside and play nowdays. We have a little pool set up and he has been having so much fun with it.
And our garden is thriving :) Growing broccoli, green beans, carrots, squash, cucumber, pumpkins, tomatoes, watermelon, and cilantro. (well the watermelon isn't thriving so much actually).
And here is our lovely porch, just for fun. We planted a Mum in our pot :)
Oh, and someone gave us a Wubanub binky thing and so far Chloe is liking it. (it's attached to an animal to help it stay in a baby's mouth.)
And just so every one knows (who're coming for Chloe's blessing, we're going to do a little celebration for William's B-day on the 3rd (since that's his birthday! :) ) So Look forward to some cake or something :) So excited to see so much family at our little place in just a few weeks!