She has been wanting one for a while and now she get's two. So we were able to go all girl crazy together and do some fun shopping. I can't wait till I get my shower gift from Mom :) All those pretty little girl clothes!!! I'm super excited.
The rest of the trip was great too. We got to visit Grandma and Grandpa Brewer and go on some fun family outings. The last day we were there we went on a walk and William wanted to hold both "Daddy" and "Poppy's" hands:
We always wish we can stay longer when we visit, but it was also nice to get home. Plus Adam's parents came and stayed with us for a few nights that next week and we got a fun visit with them too! William was used to too much attention from grandparents by the time all the fun ended, and he got sick as well, so he was quite the little "terrible two" man for a while, and I thought I was going to die. Being a mom is just hard sometimes. It made me all worried about how I was going to handle having another child, but then I got a chance to talk with my sister and some of my wonderful sister's-in-law about mommy stuff and they just helped me put things into perspective about how each child and time in your/ their life is different, and you just got to do what you got to do. Heavenly Father also helped me realize that I need to have more faith when it comes to raising children. He's not going to leave me alone when I'm doing what I need to be doing! Since then William got over his cold and became my wonderful, happy, way more cooperative boy that I missed so much and gave me at least a few days of loving mommyhood again :)
ANYWAY. Then there was Easter. It wasn't a big event in our home this year. We actually almost forgot it altogether, and even though we did remember to fill eggs all the wrappers were left out and the baskets were just in random spots from the night before. LOL But we did do a hunt out in the yard. One for William, then Adam and I each did one for each other for kicks.
William loved the jelly beans and still asks to find eggs when we go outside :)
Then we had our anniversary dinner. 3 years! Thank you Cousin Kacey for watching William for us so we could enjoy it ALONE :)We went to a yummy Chinese Buffet. Here are our awkward pictures:
Then we picked up and William and Daddy hung out before bed :)
As for other stuff, William has had quite the appetite lately and CHOWED our dinner of fried rice tonight. Even after multiple helpings he wanted to eat out of the container when I tried to put left overs away in the fridge. So Daddy joined him: (like our retro chairs?)
Oh, and William did his first official Poo-poo in the potty this evening (on his very own Lightning McQueen potty seat). It was very exciting!