Monday, March 5, 2012


Playing a little catch-up here, so keep up!

This year Adam and I decided to take advantage of the formal Valentines dance at BYUI. It was so much fun to be able to spend an evening all dressed up and dancing with my hubby ;) We danced the night away while William slept at home with a babysitter (a young woman from our ward). Then we went to get ice-cream at G's Dairy (yum!!). It really was an enchanted evening for us to get out on a real formal date, just the two of us. Then, for actual Valentine's Day, I set up a nice dinner and sparkling cider rasberry smoothy thing, and ... we ate it :)

We also got to go down to Utah for President's day weekend and visit family!!! It was a lot of fun so see everyone and just hang out. (sorry we didn't take more pictures!

A new development: My sister Michelle and I started a craft blog together! It's just in the makings, but we're going to update it fairly often, so check it out sometime!

Another development: William finally rolled over again. For those of you who don’t know, William was rolling over fine around 3-4 mo. Then after Christmas (where he got 0 tummy time for like two weeks) he forgot how. He just couldn’t anymore! And he became a great sitter at 5 mo. So he got less tummy time and just hated it. But he is finally showing interest in it again and can scoot around it a circle  So, there’s hope again! Yay!

Last thing, we're preparing for moving in April! We’re seeing our last full month in Rexburg  Still don’t know our destination, which is scary, but we know it will work out and we’re excited for a change!


  1. Such a cute dress Kylie! And I love your hair! Your pic looks just like your ones from highschool :) And I just can't figure out why you looks so poised... is Adam really carrying you with those big buff manly arms? We miss you ! Oh, and hi William!

    1. Thank you! Adam actually IS carrying me ;) I'll let him know he looks buff, he'll lie that. We miss you guys too!
